After volunteering on the checkpoints for the 2011 Louise Smalley Challenge Walk I decided to bite the bullet and take part in the walk myself.
I will be updating my blog regularly over the course of the year to chart my progress while I train.
Darren has offered (insisted) on helping me get fitter for the walk and also to help me prepare for the the demands I wasn't expecting!
I hope you enjoy following me and if you feel inclined to sponsor the details will be up later in the year.

I hope this blog will inspire some of you to take part in the walk or just to get out there and enjoy our green and pleasant land.

Don't forget to check out the official website

Thank you.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

First walk completed.

Length - 4.6 miles Height ascended - 360 metres Start time 7.40 Finish time 9.30 Duration 1hr 50 mins

Today me and Darren went to Derwent Edge and Back Tor to start our first training walk starting at Strines Inn. It was a short one to get me eased in. It started with quite a sharp ascent which was pretty tough, especially for that time in the morning. The path itself was, at this point, a road leading to an old quarry on the edge of the moor. Eventually it levelled out and the track turned to a mud track which was still pretty easy to walk on. We saw some grouse which I have never seen up close before. They sound a bit like they are laughing when they fly up out of nowhere and fly off. One or two made me jump!
Once at the top there was a path made from flagstones from the flooring of old mills which occasionally had a bit of iron sticking out of it which formerly may have held large machinery in place in the mill. When we got to the trig point there was a bit of playing on rocks to be done and of course, for those who know me and Darren, Extreme Yoga
Then we walked to another outcrop of rocks, Dovestones atop Derwent Edge for some more playing!

For the walk back to the car we decided to cut the corner back to the path past another outcrop called Cakes of Bread, which involved trudging through the heather and boggy patches. From now on in the blog this will be referred to as taking a 'Darren Path'!
It was quite hard work to get through and my ankles took a few twists etc but I made it back to the path without falling down or hurting myself!

The walk took less than 2 hours which I am happy with as a starter. We also got a view of Edale Skyline which is a 20+ mile walk Darren intends to take me on next spring.

Darren asked me how my boots felt at the end as it is important to make sure you choose exactly the right footwear for LSW. They felt really good as it happens and I think they will be fine for the 42 miles. My only concern is I will wear them out before I get to next June!

Fingers crossed the next walk will be taking place on Monday.


My plan for the next year.

The Louise Smalley Walk is a 42 (approx) mile charity walk which is in aid of charities local to the Whitwell area. It changes charities every year so the money gets shared out where it is needed.

Its going to be hard work and I know its going to hurt, mostly because that is what everyone keeps telling me! But I am determind to do it! I think the thing which has inspired me to do it next year is seeing everyone take part this year.

I have seen how hard everyone works to get to the end. From the hard core walkers to the guys who only do one long walk a year and make it this one.  I want to be a part of the challenge of the walk and although this may seem like a selfish motivation I want to put myself to the test and see if I can do it!

The charity which gets the money from the walk is chosen by the walkers of the previous year and there have been several recipients who have walked the following year. This means more and more people join in and support each others' charities.

You need to be fit to take part and although I am not entirely unfit I would like to be fitter and better prepared so I will be training for the event from now until the walk takes place in June next year.

I am planning on undertaking several walks of increasing length over the year. I will be posting my comments about them and also what I have learnt about myself and walking in general.
I will also be training in the gym to build fitness but I will keep posts about this to a minimum as it is not as interesting as the countryside walks!
I will be taking a camera with me on my travels so expect pictures of the Great British countryside and probably some of the wildlife as well.

No doubt there will be lots of ups and downs but please bare with me and let's hope by this time next year I have completed the walk and collected lots of sponser money for charity.
